The Token Books of St Saviour Southwark
an interim search site
William Ingram, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Alan H. Nelson, The University of California, Berkeley

Prefix Forename Surname
(Literatim Surname)
Suffix Year Location Bk.Pg.Line Comments
  1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.1 'At my Lord of Winchesters', 5 tokens
Thomas Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.2
Samuel Reddish (Redish) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.3
Cook (Cooke) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.4
George Potter (Potter) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.5
Revell (Revell) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.6
George Gilbey (Gibbarte) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.7
Dennis Church (Church) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.8
Ford (fford) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.9 name inserted
William Craven (Craven) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.10
Whaley (Whaley) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.11 name inserted
Thomas Hayward (Heward) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.12
Gabriel Gant (Gante) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.13
Jackson (Jaxon) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.14 one token given to her
John Henley (Henley) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.15
Richard Morris (Morris) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.16
Cheeseman (Chesman) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.17
Edward Cox (Cox) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.18
James ap George (Vp george) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.19
John Smith (Smyth) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.20
Elias Kenyon (Kennyan) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.21
Richards (Richards) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.22
West (weste) Widow 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.5.23 name inserted
Thomas Allen (Allen) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.1
John Shank (Shanke) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.2 'one gone' in margin
Robert Ratcliff (Rattliff) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.3
Richard Birch (Burch) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.4
Edward Howell (Howell) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.5 'gone' in margin
James Cooper (Cooper) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.6
Maximilian Lowder (Loader) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.7
Gregory North (North) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.8
John Sweet (Swete) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.9
Peter Martin (Marttin) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.10
Thomas Bassett (Bassett) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.11
William Jones (Joanes) 1639 Rochester House to the Clink 288.6.12
John Gilbert (Gilbarte) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.13
Joseph Watson (Wattson) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.14
John Watson (Wattson) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.15
Thomas Grove (Grove) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.16
Dorcas Newbury (Newbery) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.17
James Fox (ffox) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.18
John Finch (ffintch) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.19 name inserted; 'John ffinch Receved at Saynte Georges' in margin
Roger Needs (Needs) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.20
Richard Phipps (ffipps) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.21
Robert Clark (Clarke) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.22
Robert Jackson (Jackson) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.23
Richard Mills (Mills) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.24
Stephen Dards (Dards) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.25
William Lyburn (Ligburne) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.26
William Alexander (Allexander) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.6.27
Thomas Mabberly (Maberley) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.1
Bennett Adams (Adams) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.2
Peter Bullard (Bullard) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.3
William Halberd (Halberte) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.4
John Young (Younge) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.5
John Dickman (Dickman) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.6
James Davis (Devis) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.7
George Wittall (Whittell) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.8
Edward Hilliard (Hillyard) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.9
Nicholas Wadsworth (Wodsworth) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.10
Eastwood (Estwod) Widow 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.11
Edward Rainsford (Rainsford) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.12
William Fenning (ffennyn) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.13 'one gone' in margin
Christopher Lemming (Leming) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.14 name inserted
Nicholas Wilson (Willson) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.15
John Hodgkins (Hodgkins) 1639 Rochester Yard Without 288.7.16
Robert Lockyer (Lockheare) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.17
Ralph Pine (Pine) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.18
Richard Goffe (Goff) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.19
Nicholas Bumpas (Bumppas) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.20
Dee (Dee) Widow 1639 St John's Court 288.7.21 name inserted
John Munsey (Muncey) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.22
Robert Bents (Bents) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.23
Richard Pinchback (Pinchbacke) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.24
Philip Neal (Neale) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.25
Thomas Underwood (Vnderwood) 1639 St John's Court 288.7.26 name inserted
John Jackson (Jacksson) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.1
Roger Waggat (Waggatt) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.2
John Caseley (Casley) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.3
John Davis (Davis) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.4
John a Threlford (a Threllfod) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.5
George Randall (Randull) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.6
John Cavert (Cavarte) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.7
William Henderson (Hendersson) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.8
Robert Platt (Platts) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.9
James Hicks (Hix) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.10
Thomas Hubbard (Hubbarte) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.11
Mills (Mills) Widow 1639 St John's Court 288.8.12
Andrew Hall (Hall) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.13
Jeremy Holmes (Holmes) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.14
Stephen Brunt (Brunte) 1639 St John's Court 288.8.15
Thomas Cane (Cayne) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.16
Richard Stanley (Stanlley) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.17
John Boats (Boates) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.18
Thomas Webb (Webb) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.19
Richard Creek (Creeke) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.20
Daniel Lashly (Lashley) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.21
Thomas Pawley (Pawley) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.22
Davy Proser (Prosser) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.23
Francis Alder (Allder) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.24 'one gone' in margin
John Davis (Davis) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.25
Summers (Sumers) Widow 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.26 one token given to her
John Wright (Wrighte) 1639 Naked Boy Alley 288.8.27
Alexander Clark (Clarke) 1639 Street Side 288.9.1
Bowgen (Boogin) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.9.2
John Elton (Ellton) 1639 Street Side 288.9.3
Richard Turgis (Turgis) 1639 Street Side 288.9.4 'two gone' in margin
Israel Cook (Cooke) 1639 Street Side 288.9.5
Robert Lurcott (Lurcott) 1639 Street Side 288.9.6
Richard More (Moare) 1639 Street Side 288.9.7
Meredith (merideth) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.9.8
William Kempton (Kempton) 1639 Street Side 288.9.9
Thomas Masters (Masters) 1639 Street Side 288.9.10
Thomas Morrell (Murrall) 1639 Street Side 288.9.11
John Bennett (Bennitt) 1639 Street Side 288.9.12
Edward Price (Price) 1639 Street Side 288.9.13
Robert Smith (Smyth) 1639 Street Side 288.9.14
Hugh Shepherd (Sheppard) 1639 Street Side 288.9.15
John Hooper (Hooper) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.16
Thomas Berridge (Berrige) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.17
Theophilus Chandler (Channer) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.18
Edward Gardner (Gardner) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.19
John Lancashire (Lankester) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.20
Thomas Lovett (Lovit) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.21
John Fitts (ffitts) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.22
William Thomson (Thomson) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.9.23
William Converse (Convarce) 1639 Clink Street, South Side 288.10.1
Richard Hunter (Hunter) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.2
Edward Jordan (Jorden) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.3
Thomas Snape (Snape) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.4
John Saunders (Sanders) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.5
Moorcock (Morecoke) Widow 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.6
Nicholas Parker (Parkar) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.7 'one gone' in margin
Thomas Wadlow (Wodloe) recusant 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.8 'a recusant' in margin
Robert Farr (ffarr) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.9
Thomas Osborn (Osburne) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.10
Henry Hartwell (Hartwell) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.11
Thomas Newbold (Newboulde) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.12
John Rice (Rice) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.13
Romball (Rumball) Widow 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.14
Thomas Harper (Harper) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.15
Mr Robert Davison (Davison) 1639 Pike Yard in Clink Street 288.10.16
Gilbert Hatterell (Hathrill) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.17
Henry Wills (Wills) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.18
Richard Bisick (Bissike) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.19
Mr Evan Owen (Owin) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.20
Griffin Hinton (Hinton) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.21
Richard Chalk (Chauke) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.22
Charles Hawkins (Hawkins) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.23
Edward Elms (Ellms) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.24
Edward Boats (Boates) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.25
Grace Stevens (Stevens) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.10.26
William White (White) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.11.1
Edward Saunders (Sanders) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.11.2
Philip Filcox (ffillcox) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.11.3
Robert Banks (Banks) 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.11.4
Fivefoot (ffivefotte) Widow 1639 Clink Street North Side 288.11.5
Henry Darvell (Darvill) 1639 Park Street 288.11.6
Northall (Northall) Widow 1639 Park Street 288.11.7
Hugh Ball (Ball) 1639 Park Street 288.11.8
Clifton (Cliffton) Widow 1639 Park Street 288.11.9
Cook (Cooke) Widow 1639 Park Street 288.11.10
Richard Platt (Plats) 1639 Park Street 288.11.11
John Carter (Cartter) 1639 Park Street 288.11.12
James Norris (Norris) 1639 Park Street 288.11.13
William Stubbs (Stubbs) 1639 Park Street 288.11.14
John Humphrey (Vmpheris) 1639 Park Street 288.11.15
Joseph Pearce (Pearce) 1639 Park Street 288.11.16
Robert Thomson (Thomson) 1639 Park Street 288.11.17
John Emery (Emmery) 1639 Park Street 288.11.18
Richard Gardner (Gardner) 1639 Park Street 288.11.19
John Hesant (Hessante) 1639 Park Street 288.11.20
Uriah Lee (Ley) 1639 Park Street 288.11.21
William Dorington (Dorington) 1639 Park Street 288.11.22
Stockden (Stockden) Widow 1639 Park Street 288.11.23
John Humphrey (Vmpheris) 1639 Park Street 288.12.1
Edward Webb (Webb) 1639 Park Street 288.12.2
John Parker (Parker) 1639 Park Street 288.12.3
Michaeus Wheeler (Wheeller) 1639 Park Street 288.12.4
John Price (Price) 1639 Park Street 288.12.5
John Batterton (Batterton) 1639 Park Street 288.12.6
Mr James Munger (Munger) 1639 Park Street 288.12.7
William Romford (Rumforde) 1639 Park Street 288.12.8
Peter Copland (Coplland) 1639 Park Street 288.12.9
Matthew Gardner (Gardner) 1639 Park Street 288.12.10
John Quarington (Quarington) 1639 Park Street 288.12.11
Richard Andrews (Androwes) 1639 Park Street 288.12.12
Marmaduke Clark (Clarke) 1639 Park Street 288.12.13
George Archer (Artcher) 1639 Park Street 288.12.14
William Ashmore (Ashmore) 1639 Park Street 288.12.15
William Champion (Champyan) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.16
Purser (Purcer) Widow 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.17
Brewer (Brewer) Widow 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.18 'one gone' in margin
Hugh Cox (Cox) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.19
John Cook (Cooke) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.20
Walter Holder (Houlder) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.21
Richard Fisher (ffisher) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.22
Edward Savage (Savidge) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.23
Thomas Wadsworth (Wodsworth) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.24
James Heaton (Heaton) 1639 Globe Alley 288.12.25
John Jones (Joanes) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.1
John Pinkard (Pinkard) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.2
John Pinnock (Pinocke) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.3 one token given to him
Bidges (bidges) Widow 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.4 name inserted
Edward Hanley (Hanley) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.5
Thomas Todman (Todman) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.6
Richard Stanford (Stanfford) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.7
Edward Emery (Emerye) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.8
Richard Genne (Genn) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.9
Edward March (March) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.10
Humphrey Evans (Evans) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.11
Charles Westerby (Westerbee) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.12
John Nash (Nash) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.13
Kendall (Kendall) Widow 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.14
Jeffrey Andrews (Androwes) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.15
Robert Hall (Hall) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.16
John Baxter (Baxter) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.17
Whitfield (whitfeild) Widow 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.18 name inserted
Thomas Hunt (Hunt) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.19
John Gallant (Gallante) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.20
John Sherwood (Sherwod) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.21
John Powell (Powell) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.22
John Evans (Evans) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.23
Richard Wheatly (Wheatley) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.24
Richard Smith (Smyth) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.25
Garrett Cordwell (Cordwell) 1639 Globe Alley 288.13.26
Daniel Hollimansis (Hollymances) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.1
Edward Jordan (Jordan) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.2 'removed' in margin
Robert Croft (Crofte) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.3
Giles Hilliard (Hilliard) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.4
Richard Coles (Coalles) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.5
Robert Mayne (Mayne) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.6
John Medlicot (Medocorte) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.7
Ralph Carter (Carter) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.8
John Portis (Portus) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.9
Alexander Burton (Burton) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.10
Jarvis (Jarvis) Widow 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.11
William Wilson (Willson) 1639 Globe Alley 288.14.12
Thomas Gunn (Gun) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.13
William Knott (Nott) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.14
Thomas Dickenson (Dickenson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.15
Matthew Rayner (Raynor) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.16
Thomas Eagle (Egle) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.17
Henry Dawson (Dawkins) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.18
William Smith (Smyth) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.19
Nathaniel Sterry (Stery) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.20
Abraham Peat (Peate) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.21
Morris Berrin (Berrin) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.22
William Humphrey (humffry) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.23
William Traitor (Trayter) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.24
Edward Simonds (Symons) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.25
Richard Goodwin (Godwin) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.26
George Tindall (Tindale) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.14.27
Thomas Lowe (Looe) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.1
William White (White) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.2
Thomas Hawley (Hawlley) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.3
Robert Lassiter (Lesseter) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.4
Judith Fludd (ffloyde) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.5
Durham (Durram) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.6 'gone' in margin
Dorrell (dorrill) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.7
Long (Longe) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.8
William Bartlett (Bartelett) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.9
Davison (Davyson) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.10
Smigersbill (Smygersbill) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.11
James Banton (Banton) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.12
Savage (Savidg) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.13 name inserted
John Tidings (Tydings) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.14
Elizabeth Samon (Samon) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.15 name inserted; one token given to her
Richard Robinson (Robinson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.16
William Fox (ffox) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.17
Oliver Patrick (Patrick) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.18
George Cooper (Cooper) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.19
Whitehead (Whithed) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.20 name inserted
James Wood (Wood) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.21
William Archer (Artcher) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.22
Randall Bateman (Batman) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.23
Matthew Roberts (Robarts) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.24
Thomas Dawson (Dawsson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.25
Richard Heath (Heath) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.26
Ralph Collier (Cullyar) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.27
Katherine Jackson (Jackson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.28 name inserted
Thomas Dawson (Dawson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.29 name crossed out
Stoneham (Stonham) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.15.30 name inserted
Henry James (James) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.1
Williams (Williams) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.2
Thomas Pitts (Pitts) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.3 'gone' in margin
John White (White) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.4
William Taylor (Taylor) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.5
Robert Price (Price) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.6
Thomas Radford (radford) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.7
James Newsam (Newsom) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.8
John Fister (ffitser) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.9
Richard Bishop (Bishopp) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.10
John Flower (fflower) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.11
William Sparshot (Sparshott) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.12
Robert Membry (Membree) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.13
Edward Wilson (Willson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.14
Thomas Rawson (Rausson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.15
John Miller (Millar) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.16 'gone' in margin
Edward Pelham (pyleham) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.17 name inserted
Elizabeth Gascoigne (Gaskin) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.18
Richard Hodges (Hodgis) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.19
Arthur Denham (Denham) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.20
Ralph Jefferson (Jefferson) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.21 'gone' in margin
Peter Mull (Mull) Dutch 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.22
Richard Davis (Davis) 1639 Maid Lane, South Side 288.16.23
Peter Ringrose (Ringrose) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.16.24
John Smith (Smyth) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.16.25
Matthew Hickman (Hickman) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.16.26
Webster (Webster) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.16.27
Thomas Ware (Ware) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.1
Clifton (Clifton) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.2
Robert Bingham (Bingham) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.3
Thomas Ardley (Ardlley) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.4
John Tucker (Tucker) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.5
Thomas Brown (Browne) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.6 name crossed out; surname uncertain
Roger Price (Price) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.7
Robert Powell (Powell) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.8
Jeremy Mann (Man) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.9
Shaw (Shawe) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.10
Hugh Maxey (Maxse) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.11
William Cook (Cooke) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.12
Francis Price (Price) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.13
Hamlet Barrow (Barrow) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.14 'one dead' in margin
Nicholas Mitchell (Michill) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.15
William Thomson (Thomson) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.16
Katherine Edmunds (Edmvnds) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.17 'herselfe Rec' in margin
Edward Griffin (Griffin) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.18 name inserted
George Ware (Ware) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.19
Richard Leake (Leake) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.20
Peregrine Johnson (Johnson) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.21
William Emms (Ems) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.22 'one gone' in margin
Thomas Callowhill (Kallohill) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.23
Turvy (Turvey) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.17.24 name inserted
Abel Thomas (Thomas) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.1 'one gone' in margin
Bone (bone) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.2 name inserted
John Wilkinson (Wilkinson) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.3
Edward Haddington (Hadington) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.4
John Davis (Davis) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.5
Nicholas Wells (Wells) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.6
Henry Williams (Williams) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.7
More (Moare) Widow 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.8 one token given to her
William Watkins (Watkins) 1639 Maid Lane, North Side 288.18.9
John Cannon (Cannan) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.10
John Barrett (Barratt) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.11
Thomas Gittens (Gittins) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.12
John Kirkham (Kercom) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.13
James Kirkham (Kercom) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.14
William Cole (Coalle) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.15
John Finch (ffintch) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.16
Tobias West (West) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.17
Robert Backhouse (Backhouse) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.18
George Twinney (Twenny) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.19
Thomas Wiggins (Wiggins) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.20
John Yarner (yarnar) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.21
Thomas Harris (Haris) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.22
Henry Allen (Allin) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.23
Richard Tomlinson (Thomllinson) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.18.24
Daniel Roe (Rooe) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.1
Emery (Embree) Widow 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.2
Edward Kindred (Kinred) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.3
Edward Leicester (Lester) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.4
Robert Waterman (Waterman) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.5
William Hutchins (Hutchins) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.6
Rutledge (Routeledg) Widow 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.7
Thomas Lilly (Lilley) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.8
William Price (Price) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.9
George Jacob (Jacobb) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.10
Richard Kember (Kember) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.11 'one at sea' in margin
Reynolds (Renalls) Widow 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.12
Stuck (Stuke) Widow 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.13
William Hyde (Hide) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.14
Adam Pashly (Pashley) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.15
John Livert (Livarte) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.16
Samuel Poplar (Popular) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.17
Meadows (Medowes) Widow 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.18
Joseph Filcox (ffillcox) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.19
William Gray (Gray) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.20
Henry Smith (Smyth) 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.21
Sharp (Sharpe) Widow 1639 Dodson's Rents 288.19.22
Andrew Harrison (Harryson) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.19.23
Lawrence Hall (Hall) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.19.24
Sheen (Seene) Widow 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.19.25 name inserted
Bell (Bell) Widow 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.1
Robert Kirk (Kerke) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.2
Stedman (Stedman) Widow 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.3 'one gone' in margin
John Scull (Skull) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.4
Saunders (Sanders) Widow 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.5
Jane Higgins (Higgins) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.6
Griggs (Grigs) Widow 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.7
William Tuckey (Tuckey) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.8
William Seabrook (Sebroocke) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.9
Thomas Walter (Wallters) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.10 name crossed out; 'one gone' in margin
William Lewis (Lewis) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.11
Thomas Mills (Mills) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.12
Christopher Fisher (ffisher) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.13
Matthew Morton (Morton) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.14
Ralph Brown (Broune) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.15
Abednego Damport (damford) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.16
Richard Hodges (Hodge) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.17
Whitehead (Whithead) Widow 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.18
John Seely (Seelley) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.19
John Tabor (Taborr) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.20
William Minn (Min) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.21
William Parker (Parker) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.22
John Norgate (Norcott) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.23
Thomas Cox (Cox) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.24
John Baker (Baker) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.20.25
Henry Church (Church) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.1
Robert Voice (Voyse) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.2
George Vavasor (Vavester) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.3
Mr William Lock (Locke) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.4
Walter Alsop (Allsipp) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.5
John Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.6
Andrew Reynolds (Renalls) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.7
Thomas Ward (Ward) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.8
John Garbrand (Garbrand) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.9
Mr Nicholas Shepherd (Sheppard) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.10
Nanson (Nancey) Widow 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.11
Richard Stanford (Stanford) 1639 Bankside beginning at Bank End 288.21.12 'one dead' in margin
Philip Stodden (Stodden) 1639 Elephant Alley 288.21.13
Humble (Vmble) Widow 1639 Elephant Alley 288.21.14
William Bruton (Brewton) 1639 Elephant Alley 288.21.15 'gone' in margin
Light (Lighte) Widow 1639 Elephant Alley 288.21.16
Newport (Newporte) Widow 1639 Elephant Alley 288.21.17
Robert Brewer (Brewer) 1639 Elephant Alley 288.21.18 'one gone' in margin
Edward Lane (Lane) 1639 Elephant Alley 288.21.19
Richard Parson (Parsons) 1639 Angel Alley 288.21.20
Leonard Clark (Clarke) 1639 Angel Alley 288.21.21
[...] [...] ([...]) 1639 Angel Alley 288.21.22 name heavily rubbed out and obscured
Robert Norman (Norman) 1639 Angel Alley 288.21.23
King (Kinge) Widow 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.1 one token given to her
Cotten (Cotten) Widow 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.2 one token given to her
Richard Polday (Polladay) 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.3
Henry Green (Greene) 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.4
Andrew Truss (Truss) 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.5
Ripton (Ripton) Widow 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.6
Gabriel Cooper (Cooper) 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.7
Henry Cates (Cates) 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.8
Francis Marshall (Marshall) 1639 Angel Alley 288.22.9
  1639 Angel Alley 288.22.10 the Dutch Almshouses
Robert Hook (Hooke) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.11
David Pritchard (Pritchard) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.12
William Crane (Crane) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.13 surname overwritten
Foxley (ffoxley) Widow 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.14
David Williams (Williams) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.15
Wright (Wrighte) Widow 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.16
John Fawcett (ffassitt) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.17
Thomas Johnson (Johnson) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.18
Nathaniel Goodwin (Goodwin) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.19 name inserted
John Leakins (Leakins) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.20
Henry Romford (Rumfforde) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.21
Matthew Hill (Hill) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.22
John Bingham (Bingham) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.23
Cordwell (Cordwell) Widow 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.22.24
Roger Barnes (Barnes) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.1
Ezekiel Worsley (Worssley) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.2
John Lullington (Lullingden) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.3
Jacob Mead (Meade) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.4
James Irwin (Erwin) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.5
Thomas Worthen (Warthen) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.6
George Smith (Smyth) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.7
Richard Port (Porte) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.8
William Shepherd (Sheppard) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.9
John Carpenter (Carpenter) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.10
Hugh Saunders (Sanders) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.11
Roger Wandall (Wandall) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.12
Thomas Williams (Williams) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.13
Jennings (Jenigs) Widow 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.14
Mr Robert Clark (Clarke) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.15
Richard Clark (Clarke) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.16
Henry Harris (Harris) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.17
John Cordwell (Cordwell) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.18
John Jones (Joanes) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.19
William Cates (Cates) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.20
Alexander Dobbin (Dabbin) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.21
Robert Brathwick (Brattocke) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.22 name inserted
Robert Richardson (Richardson) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.23 'one gone' in margin
King (King) Widow 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.23.24
William Genne (Jinn) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.24.1
Thomas Hannam (Hannvm) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.24.2
Richard Ditcher (Ditcher) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.24.3
Nicholas Renton (Wrenton) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.24.4
Michael Welch (Weltch) 1639 Horseshoe Alley 288.24.5
John Knackston (Knackston) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.6
John Medlicot (MedllyCoate) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.7
Richard Chalk (Chauke) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.8
Wright (Wrighte) Widow 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.9
William Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.10
Annis Gilbey (Gilbee) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.11
John Robinson (Robinson) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.12
Robert Thorn (Thorns) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.13
William Langton (Laughton) 1639 Three Tuns Alley 288.24.14
Stephen Bedford (Bedfford) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.15
Edward Fleming (ffleming) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.16 name inserted
William Stitch (Stith) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.17
Robert Dunning (Duning) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.18
John Smith (Smyth) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.19
Richard Marshall (Marshall) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.20
George Hurlston (Hurllston) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.21
Dann (Dan) Widow 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.22 one token given to her
Mathews (Mathewes) Widow 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.23
Henry Emms (Ems) 1639 Rose Alley 288.24.24
John Griffin (Griffin) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.1
Mary Garroway (Garraway) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.2 'a very poore pensionar' in margin
Daliland (Dalleland) Widow 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.3
Edward Dudley (Dudlley) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.4
Thomas Smith (Smyth) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.5
Margaret Spencer (Spencer) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.6
John Page (Page) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.7
John Glover (Gllover) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.8
Thomas Clark (Clarke) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.9
Abraham Roberts (Robarts) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.10
Thomas Terry (Terrill) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.11
Bedford Norton (Nortton) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.12
Margaret Mead (Mead) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.13
Hanby (Hanbee) Widow 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.14
William Davis (Davis) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.15 name inserted
William Jones (Jones) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.16 name crossed out
Anthony Scarle (Skarle) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.17
Humphrey Lewis (Lewis) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.18
James Bailey (Balley) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.19
John Tanner (Tanner) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.20
Richard Mant (Mante) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.21
John Bevis (Bevis) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.22
Richard Silvester (Sillvester) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.23
Robert Linger (Lingar) 1639 Rose Alley 288.25.24
William Cole (Coale) 1639 Rose Alley 288.26.1
Edward Wright (Wright) 1639 Rose Alley 288.26.2
John Shattuck (Shattoke) 1639 Rose Alley 288.26.3
John Law (Lawe) 1639 Rose Alley 288.26.4
Peter Foakes (ffookes) 1639 Rose Alley 288.26.5
John Mathews (Mathewes) 1639 Street Side 288.26.6
Peter Nightingale (Nightgale) 1639 Street Side 288.26.7
Thomas Godfrey (Godffree) 1639 Street Side 288.26.8
George Page (Page) 1639 Street Side 288.26.9
Joseph Rogers (Rogers) 1639 Street Side 288.26.10
Richard Nendick (Nindicke) 1639 Street Side 288.26.11
Joyce (Joyce) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.26.12
John Bowen (Boowin) 1639 Street Side 288.26.13
Edward Remnant (Remnante) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.14
Henry Boone (Boone) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.15
Edward Sly (Sly) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.16
Bartholomew Newman (Newman) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.17
Ralph Ewer (Vre) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.18
Thomas Hughes (Hewes) recusant 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.19 'his wife a Recusant' in margin
John Garrett (Garratt) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.20
John Naylor (Nayllor) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.21
Thomas Robinson (Robinson) 1639 White Horse Alley 288.26.22
John Barroll (Barrell) 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.1
Martin Nonoven (Nonnoven) 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.2
Edge (Edge) Widow 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.3
Nicholas Peniall (Penyale) 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.4
William Joyce (Joyce) 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.5
John Tighton (Tyton) 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.6
Arthur (Arther) Widow 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.7
Chandler (Chandller) Widow 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.8
Nathaniel Layton (Layghthon) 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.9 'one gone' in margin
William Williams (Williams) 1639 Unicorn Court 288.27.10
Roger Stratford (Stratfford) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.11
Thomas Tunes (Tounes) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.12
Stephen Lucas (Lucas) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.13
Alice Gwillim (Gwylliams) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.14
Richard Wood (Wood) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.15
Richard Bunting (Bunting) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.16
Edward Farrell (ffarrall) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.17
John Harris (Harris) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.18
John Goldsmith (Goldsmyth) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.19 'one gone' in margin
Joseph Muston (Moston) 1639 Plough Alley 288.27.20
John Williams (Williams) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.27.21
Thomas Cranny (Cranney) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.27.22
Giles Ashton (Asten) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.1
Edward Williams (Williams) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.2
Robert Perry (Parry) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.3
Richard Collins (Collins) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.4
Lydia Harris (Harris) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.5
Bellinger (Belligar) Widow 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.6
Francis (ffrancis) Widow 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.7
William Squire (Squyre) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.8
John Hancock (Hancoke) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.9
William Wilkinson (Wilkenson) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.10
John Overstreet (Overstreete) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.11
Burrell (Burrell) Widow 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.12 name crossed out, then reinserted
Thomas Radford (Radfford) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.13 name crossed out
Philip Cotterell (Cottrill) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.14
Bridget Williams (Williams) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.15 Brigitt
Steward (Steward) Widow 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.16 name inserted
Nicholas Scarvill (Skarvell) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.17
Smith (Smyth) Widow 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.18
Francis Drake (Drake) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.19
Giles Austen (Austin) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.20
William Ailes (Eelles) 1639 Cordwell's [Corden's] Alley 288.28.21
John Picket (Pickett) 1639 Street Side 288.28.22
Thomas Simonds (Symons) 1639 Street Side 288.28.23
Henry Allen (Allin) 1639 Street Side 288.29.1
Dickenson (Dickensson) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.29.2
Thomas Welcome (Wellcom) 1639 Street Side 288.29.3
John Woollen (Wolloune) 1639 Street Side 288.29.4
Edmund Nevill (Nevell) 1639 Street Side 288.29.5
Hodgkins (Hodgkins) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.29.6 name inserted
Archibald Jackson (Jacksson) 1639 Street Side 288.29.7
Tomlinson (Thomlinson) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.29.8 name inserted
David Furlong (ffurlonge) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.9
Edward Mead (Meade) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.10
William Yarner (Yarner) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.11
James George (George) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.12
Richard Kemb (Kembe) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.13
William Dwight (Dwyghte) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.14
Peter Linden (Lenden) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.15
Lane (Lane) Widow 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.16
William Needham (Needum) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.17
Anthony Heard (Heard) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.18
John Halaby (Hallabee) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.19
Hugh Price (Price) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.20
Roger Harrison (Harrysson) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.21
Thomas Clifton (Clifton) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.22
John Ling (Ling) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.23
Paul Gray (Gray) 1639 Boar's Head Alley 288.29.24
William Smith (Smyth) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.29.25
Henry Butt (Butt) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.29.26
Nicholas Todd (Todd) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.29.27
William Morgan (Morgin) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.29.28
John Lee (Lee) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.29.29
William Price (Price) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.1
John Hall (Hall) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.2
John Fleming (ffleming) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.3
John Walter (Wallter) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.4
William Gibson (Gibsson) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.5
Hillary Hancock (Hancoke) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.6
Randall Wood (Wood) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.7
Richard Leet (Leete) 1639 Cross Keys Alley 288.30.8
Careless (Carelles) Widow 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.9
Philip Capper (Capper) 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.10
Robert Watts (Watts) 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.11
Corfield (Coreffeild) Widow 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.12
Rowland Collingridge (Collinridg) 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.13
Turner (Turner) Widow 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.14
Thomas Shear (Sheare) 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.15
Thomas Blackman (Blackman) 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.16
Bellinger (bellingar) Widow 1639 Cardinal's Hat Alley 288.30.17 name inserted
Melchizedec Fritter (ffritter) 1639 Street Side 288.30.18
Ralph Bickerstaff (Bickerstafe) 1639 Street Side 288.30.19
Henry Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Street Side 288.30.20
Oliver Andrews (Androwes) 1639 Street Side 288.30.21
John Grimsditch (Grimsditch) 1639 Street Side 288.30.22
Edward Fuller (ffuller) 1639 Street Side 288.30.23
Thomas Wall (Wall) 1639 Street Side 288.30.24 'one gone' in margin
William Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Street Side 288.30.25
Edward Harding (Harding) 1639 Street Side 288.31.1
Thomas Owen (Owin) 1639 Street Side 288.31.2
William Mallows (Mallowes) 1639 Street Side 288.31.3
Saunders (Sanders) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.31.4 name inserted
William Stiles (Styles) 1639 Street Side 288.31.5
Lewis Watkins (Watkins) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.6
Richard Board (Bourde) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.7
Hugh Evans (Evans) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.8
Smith (Smyth) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.9
Henry Hall (Hall) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.10
John Poley (Poolley) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.11
William Cheadle (Chettell) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.12
Watson (Wattson) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.13
John Dotterell (Dottrill) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.14
Richard Simpson (Simson) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.15
Edward Sidenham (Sidnvm) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.16
Tutman (Tutman) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.17 one token given to her
Ferdinando Wakefield (Wakfeild) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.18
Kindhart (Kindhart) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.19
Esdras Trout (Trooute) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.20
Richard Rayner (Raynor) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.21
Thomas Wright (Wrighte) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.22
John Ward (Warde) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.23
Humility Read (Reade) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.24
Robert Pate (Pate) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.25
Robert Gilson (Jellsson) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.26
Humphrey Hasterly (Hasterley) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.27 'one dead' in margin
John Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Moses Alley 288.31.28
John Horseman (Horssman) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.1
Roger Archer (Artcher) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.2
William Powell (Powell) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.3
Thomas Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.4
Lawrence Smithen (Smythen) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.5
John Woodward (Wooddard) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.6
William Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.7
Thomas Fleming (fflleming) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.8
John Wanham (Wannam) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.9
Ann Archer (Artcher) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.10
Nicholas Jennings (Jennings) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.11
Roger Dawes (Dawes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.12 'one dead' in margin
Thomas Prisell (Prissell) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.13
John Mead (Meade) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.14
John Clark (Clarke) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.15
Roger Quarterman (Quarterman) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.16
Richard Hunt (Hunte) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.17
Jeremy Evans (Evans) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.18
William Dawes (Dawes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.19
Robert Grove (Groves) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.20
Thomas Terry (Terry) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.21
Gardner (Gardner) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.22
Hassall Tawyer (Tawyer) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.23
William Morgan (Morgin) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.24
John Herne (Hearne) 1639 Moses Alley 288.32.25
Walborn (Walburne) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.1
Samuel Keys (Keyes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.2
John Davis (Davis) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.3
Edward Perry (Perry) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.4
John Hall (Hall) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.5
Lambert Hone (Hoane) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.6
John Harvard (Harvey) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.7
Bell (Belle) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.8 name inserted
Hull (Hull) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.9 two tokens given to her
Anthony Gibson (Gibsson) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.10
Thomas Patton (Pattin) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.11
Thomas Gillett (Gillitt) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.12
James Robinson (Robinsson) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.13
Richard Whipham (Whippvm) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.14 name inserted, then crossed out
Thomas Gillett (Gillet) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.15 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
Thomas Patton (Pattin) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.16 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
Anthony Gibson (Gibson) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.17 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
John Harvard (Harvey) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.18 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
Lambert Hone (Hoane) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.19 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
John Hall (Hall) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.20 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
Edward Perry (Perry) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.21 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
John Davis (Davis) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.22 name crossed out as a duplicate entry
Samuel K (K) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.23 surname incomplete; perhaps Samuel Keys; name crossed out as a duplicate entry
Richard Whipham (Whippum) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.24
Thomas Spencer (Spencer) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.25
Philip Rosseter (Rossyter) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.26
George Archer (Artcher) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.27
Rowland Vaughan (Vaughan) 1639 Moses Alley 288.33.28
Hugh Thomas (Thomas) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.1 'one gone' in margin
Mr Andrew Lucas (Lucas) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.2
John More (Moare) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.3
William Garnance (Garnouce) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.4 'for him & his wife & Jeames Brier' in margin
Christopher Garnet (Garnett) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.5
John Blunt (Blunte) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.6
John Andrews (Androwes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.7
John Bunce (Bunce) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.8
William Boreman (Boareman) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.9
Lightfoot (Lightfott) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.10 one token given to her
John Allsey (Allcey) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.11
Higginson (Higinson) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.12
Augustine Williams (Williams) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.13
William Bailey (Baylley) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.14
Foakes (ffokes) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.15 name inserted
William Payne (Payne) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.16
Richard Benworth (Benyworth) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.17
John Prince (Prince) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.18
John Bushel (Busshell) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.19 name inserted
Rice Burroughs (Boorowes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.20 name crossed out
Thomas Saunders (Sanders) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.21
William Picket (Pickett) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.22 one token given to him
Cuthbert Redhead (Redhed) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.23
Hannam (Hannvm) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.24 one token given to her
Motley (Mottllowe) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.25 one token given to her
John Davis (Davis) 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.26
Cheveley (Cherveley) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.34.27 name inserted
Edward Cotterell (Cottrill) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.1
William Smithman (Smytheman) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.2
Robert Harrison (harryson) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.3
Richard Hutchins (Hutchins) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.4
James Loft (Lofte) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.5
Richard Vaughan (Vaughan) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.6
William Coker (Coker) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.7
Edward Borne (Bourne) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.8
Hugh Weaver (Wever) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.9
John James (James) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.10
Thomas Willows (Willowes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.11
William Jones (Joanes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.12
Hayward (Heward) Widow 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.13
Thomas Elderwell (Ellderwell) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.14
Edward Mitchell (Michill) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.15
Walter Grant (Grante) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.16
Edward Andrews (Androwes) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.17
John Magett (Maggotts) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.18
John Hudson (Hudsson) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.19
William Motley (Mottloe) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.20
John Watts (Watts) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.21
John Green (Greene) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.22
John Pinson (Pinshin) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.23
Richard Maddox (Maddox) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.24
John Warfield (Warffeild) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.25
Peter Leonard (Lenard) 1639 Moses Alley 288.35.26
Robert Cammock (Cammocke) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.1
John Watson (Wattsson) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.2
Francis Poley (Poolley) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.3
William Gander (Gander) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.4
Gabriel Struly (Struly) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.5 name inserted; surname uncertain
William Griggs (Grigg) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.6
Peter Jennings (Jenings) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.7
Richard Slauson (Slawsson) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.8 'gone' in margin
Henry Redhew (Redhew) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.9
Simon Brown (Broune) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.10
James Brushwood (Brishwod) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.11
Edward Katherens (Kathrens) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.12
Judith Pitts (Pitts) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.13
William Clark (Clarke) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.14
Walter Hill (Hill) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.15
Thomas Dunn (Dun) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.16
Richard Bradford (Bradfford) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.17
Thomas Hunt (Hunte) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.18
Sands (Sands) Widow 1639 Love Lane 288.36.19
Peter Young (Younge) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.20
James Lewis (Lewis) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.21
Westcott (Wesskott) Widow 1639 Love Lane 288.36.22
Rowland Vaughan (Vaughan) 1639 Love Lane 288.36.23
Manthrop (Manthrope) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.36.24
Isaac Nash (Nash) 1639 Street Side 288.36.25
John Valentine (Vallantine) 1639 Street Side 288.36.26
Thomas Mannering (Maneringe) 1639 Street Side 288.37.1
Thomas Rime (Rime) 1639 Street Side 288.37.2 Rime altered from Mannering
Thomas Mannering (Mannering) 1639 Street Side 288.37.3 Mannering altered to Rime
Robert Layton (Layghton) 1639 Street Side 288.37.4
John Nowell (nowell) 1639 Street Side 288.37.5 name inserted
Mr John Luntly (Luntley) 1639 Street Side 288.37.6
Thomas Taylor (Tayllor) 1639 Street Side 288.37.7
Robert Dawes (Dawes) 1639 Street Side 288.37.8
John Stanley (Stanlley) 1639 Street Side 288.37.9
John Atwell (Attwell) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.10
Richard Jones (Joanes) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.11
Luke Leake (Leake) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.12
William Smith (Smyth) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.13
Henry Cooper (Cooper) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.14
George Jackson (Jackson) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.15
Thomas Perry (Parry) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.16
George Sterry (Sterry) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.17
John Sterry (Sterry) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.18
Thomas Walter (Wallters) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.19
William Perrin (Perrin) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.20
Abraham Niblet (Niblett) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.21
Robert East (Este) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.22
Richard Rutter (Rutter) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.23 surname overwritten
Thomas Gulliver (Gullyver) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.24
Rider (Ryder) Widow 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.25
Robert Burton (Burtton) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.26
Robert Morgan (Morgin) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.27
William Hewett (Hewitt) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.28
Humphrey Leeson (Leesson) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.37.29 name inserted
Thomas Washburn (Washburne) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.1
Nathaniel Evans (Evans) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.2
Abraham Tew (Tu) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.3
Thomas Fisher (ffisher) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.4
Richard Purser (Purcer) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.5
Richard Mitchell (Michill) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.6
Walter Frappell (ffrappell) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.7
Charles Tyler (Tyller) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.8
Gilbert Springback (Springbatte) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.9
John Jenks (Ginks) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.10
Richard Wilkinson (Willkinson) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.11
Thomas Old (Ould) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.12
Gurry (Gurry) Widow 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.13 name inserted
William Barrow (Barrowes) 1639 Molestrand, South Side 288.38.14
Alexander Whitlock (Whitlocke) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.15
Davy Cheeseman (Chesmore) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.16
John Cannon (Cannon) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.17
Martin Crawley (Crawlley) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.18
Robert Digweed (Dickwede) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.19 name inserted
John Beal (Beale) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.20
William Cope (Cope) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.21
John Martin (Marttin) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.22
Ford (fford) Widow 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.23
Arthur Hart (Harte) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.24
Philip Fowler (ffouler) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.25 name inserted
John Draper (Drapper) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.26
Richard Thayer (Thayer) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.27
William Rose (Roase) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.38.28
Robert Bond (Bonde) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.39.1
Christopher Harrison (Harryson) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.39.2
William Alexander (Allexander) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.39.3
Gassock (Gassoke) Widow 1639 Clark's Alley 288.39.4
Edward Spencer (Spencer) 1639 Clark's Alley 288.39.5
Jones (Joanes) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.39.6 name inserted
Richard Thomas (Thomas) 1639 Street Side 288.39.7
Everett Powell (Powell) 1639 Street Side 288.39.8
Stephen Lewis (Lewis) 1639 Street Side 288.39.9
Thomas Wigg (Wigg) 1639 Street Side 288.39.10
Joseph Dunston (Dunston) 1639 Street Side 288.39.11
John Robinson (Robinsson) 1639 Street Side 288.39.12
Mr Thomas Butler (Butler) 1639 Street Side 288.39.13
William Truelock (Trewllucke) 1639 Street Side 288.39.14
Nicholas Snelling (Snelling) 1639 Street Side 288.39.15
William Shuttleton (Shittellton) 1639 Street Side 288.39.16
Thomas Shaw (Shawe) 1639 Street Side 288.39.17 'one dead' in margin
Francis Marlow (Morllowe) 1639 Street Side 288.39.18
Adam Willis (Willis) 1639 Street Side 288.39.19
Giles Mason (Mazon) 1639 Street Side 288.39.20
John Ellis (Ellis) 1639 Street Side 288.39.21
Iremonger (Ironmongar) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.39.22
Hayward (Heward) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.39.23
Henry Lawrence (Laurance) 1639 Street Side 288.40.1
Money (Munny) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.40.2
Roger Knight (Knyghte) 1639 Street Side 288.40.3
Ralph Luke (Luke) 1639 Street Side 288.40.4
Abraham Cotterell (Cottrill) 1639 Street Side 288.40.5
Hartley (Hartley) Widow 1639 Street Side 288.40.6
William Davy (Davey) 1639 Street Side 288.40.7 'one dead' in margin
Edward Russell (Russell) 1639 Street Side 288.40.8
Nicholas Parker (Parker) 1639 Street Side 288.40.9
John Beal (Bealle) 1639 Clink Liberty [implied] 288.43.1
Thomas Dickenson (Dickensson) 1639 Clink Liberty [implied] 288.43.2
Lambert Hone (Hoare) 1639 Clink Liberty [implied] 288.43.3 surname uncertain